Thursday, July 17, 2014

PCR Vol. 1 - McCall's "Early Fall Collection" 2014

Just so we're straight, PCR = Pattern Collection Roast.

Yeah, like, "roast" as in hey let's sit around and point out all of the annoying things about this whilst occasionally noting its good points.

I don't know if it's because I've been finding so many indie pattern designers with so many freaking adorable designs or what, but it seems as if the Big 4 (Simplicity, Vogue, Butterick, and McCall's) have been tanking recently.  I don't know why the hell everything has to have a peplum or these really terrible late '80's style lines. Bleh. bleeeeeehhhhhh

My first victim subject for the PCR is the 2014 McCall's Early Fall Collection.  Let's begin.

McCall's 6995.  I've never been a fan of jackets, and am trying to learn to wear them.  They make me feel old.  These buttons look so.... bad. And the random French cuffs are really confusing to me.  And why are those pockets so big? Are you carrying around cats?

McCall's 6993.  For everything I said about making fun of things, I'm sorry. I WANT THIS SKIRT. And the shoes. High waisted = good for the hourglass shape.

McCall's 6989.  Barbie called. She wants her... geez,  just call her and give EVERYTHING back.

McCall's 6987.  After wondering why a grown woman would want to look like a toddler I got to looking at the line drawings.  View A is awful, and View B could pass for Cindy-lou Who's nightgown, but the others are alright.  Why didn't they just use those???
Line Art

McCall's 6990.  Though not everyone needs a peplum top, if you're going to make one make sure it has a back like this one.  I'm convinced peplums only look ok on certain body proportions.  If your torso is too long, the peplum makes the looker's eye think you have an inner tube of fabric on. Unflattering, so no thank you.

McCall's 6992.  I decree, that from this point forward, all sweatshirts shall come with lace bibs! No longer will the choice of comfort adversely affect one's vanity!!

McCall's 7003.  I'm just going to be honest and admit that  I already bought this pattern to make Casey a steampunk Halloween costume.  It comes with pants, coat, cravate, and vest instructions. Well done!

McCall's 7004.  Just look at him.

Next in line for the PCR: (dun dun dunnnnnn) ..... Vogue.