Sunday, August 31, 2014

Presents for Nice People

Much has happened since my last post.

I finished a dress I've yet to tell you about. Classes have started at the university.  My parents bought us a washer and dryer (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). A kitty cat decided she lives with us.  Neighbors got this ADORABLE giant puppy named Jake - I think he's a Great Dane. Plus lots of other great things.

So, my absence isn't for lack of crafting or activity-ing, but it is for lack of time to activity and then blog about it.

I'm lumping two projects together in this post: a necklace for Brenda, and an apron for Eriko.  Brenda is a staff member at Concord who helps keep the Fine Arts Bldg looking fly, and after she commented on a necklace I gave to Karen, our secretary, I decided I should surprise her with one!

It was nice to sit down last Saturday and just play with beads for a little while. The new kitty likes that was an adventure...but I did get this project finished.

It's based on the cover design of the book Beaded Allure, by Kelly Wiese.  She has a second book called Beaded Romance, but I haven't purchased it.

Here's the cover of the book:
I kept the 5 circles on top but omitted the others, as they seemed fussy to me. And, I secured down the dangly things in each circle.
I drafted a pair of earrings based on the circle motif.

Picots around the back, with a big, bright bead as a clasp.

The proportion with the body is flattering, I think.

The other project I recently completed is an apron for Eriko.  Eriko and Pius got married August 8th (I shall forever remember because that's MY anniversary, too) and husband and I were two of the lucky few with them.  I got into the habit a little while ago of making dear friends aprons for no reason. However! It has worked out that nearly everyone I have given an apron to has either gotten married or engaged in the last year...sooooooo take THAT e-Harmony. 

Anyway, Pius and Eriko have known Casey longer than I have, but they made me feel so welcome during their wedding festivities. It was never "just" Casey for a photo or something - it was always both of us. That's a small thing, but it really made me feel like I belonged there with them and wasn't a recipient of a courtesy invitation only.

So! Though Pius and Eriko are already married, I will continue my tradition by gifting her an apron.  There's not much to say about it, as making one of these is a nice and easy project. I used cottons from my stash, and one is left over from making my own apron, so now Eriko and I are connected by cotton. Let's make that a thing, internet.

No pictures of the apron because I want Eriko to be surprised when she gets it. I will, however, provide you with a photo of my sewing helper as she sits atop her royal tower of pattern storage.

Leeloo Multipass Cangelosi Cat

She and I have already laid ground rules on when she is and isn't allowed in the sewing room. Pattern cutting?- nope. Fabric cutting?- nope. General sewing - sure.

I cut fabric for a performance top yesterday. Aiming to finish it by my recital on the 9th. Oh, speaking of!!