As usually happens with family events, my cousin's wedding was an excuse to make myself a new dress!
I chose the material and pattern at the end of pregnancy as a first project for when my body shape began to turn back to normal. We're still very much a work in progress in that regard, but I do really love this dress, especially with my turquoise belt.
The pattern is Simplicity 8085, a vintage reprint from the 1950s.
I chose the material and pattern at the end of pregnancy as a first project for when my body shape began to turn back to normal. We're still very much a work in progress in that regard, but I do really love this dress, especially with my turquoise belt.
The pattern is Simplicity 8085, a vintage reprint from the 1950s.

I had to make many adjustments to the back in order to make it fit, most notably removing the darts and even more extra material. Between my sway back and upright posture, I didn't need near as much fabric back there as the original drafted pattern. I also raised the armholes, and then needed to tweak the bust darts. I'm not totally satisfied with those, but it works!
The back of the dress is held in place with snaps! The pattern suggests adding some along the skirt's bound, wrapped edge, but I didn't have time to do that before the wedding. I'll add them before wearing this dress again, though, as a rogue breeze resulted in a surprise mooning for all those behind me! Good thing I, as well as my family, have quite a sense of humor. :)